Keenia rahvustoit

Ekvatoriaalse kliima tõttu on põllumajandus Keenia kõige olulisem majandusharu. Kõige rohkem eksporditakse teed, kohvi ja lilli. Värsked ananassid, banaanid, mangod ning mitmed muud eksootilised viljad on kõigile kättesaadavad, kuid keenialased ei täida oma kõhtu ainult nendega. Järgmine videoklipp tutvustab teile Keenia rahvustoite.  
Because of the equatorial climate, agriculture is the most important economic activity in Kenya. The most popular exports are tea, coffee and flowers.  Fresh pineapples, mangos, bananas and many other exotic fruits are available for everyone, but these are not the only food they eat. The next video clip is introducing Kenyan traditional foods.

Kenyan Traditional Foods

The project is sponsored by SPORTLAND and videos are produced by ROSENVALD PHOTOGRAPHY.

This movie is the fourth out of nine which were produced in 2014 in Kenya. The movie clips introduce the local running culture, stories of Kenyan runners, eating habits, nature, experiences of Estonian runners in Kenya and more.

Next movie will be published on 13 June 2014.