Kui detsembris Keeniasse sõitsin, siis poleks arvanud, et jaanuari lõpus treenin juba Ameerika Ühendriikides, Colorado Springsis. Ookeani taha tõi mind 11. veebruaril Alabamas toimuv Birminghami maraton.
In December being in Kenya for training purposes I did not expect to end up in Colorado Springs at the end of January. I came to US because of the Alabama’s marathon which will be held on the 11th of February.
Birminghami maraton on üsna mägisel maastikul, sportliku taseme poolest olen favoriitide hulgas. Otsus sellel võistlusel osaleda langetati jaanuarikuiste treeningute põhjal. Paari päeva pärast räägin täpsemalt oma uue maratoni saladustest.
The marathon course in Birmingham is little bit hilly, in the elite field I am one of the favorite. The decision to run on that race was made in January. After few days I will write more about my next marathon “secrets.”
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Kes oleks seda võinud arvata, et kohtan Heiki Nabi ameeriklaste treeningkeskuses Colorado Springsis? Who ever knew that I am going to meet another Estonian Olympian in Colorado Springs? |
Keenia treeninglaager oli taaskord ainulaadne. Mukungaga sai tehtud mõned head treeningud ning korraldasin ka treeninglaagri teistele eestlastele. Sellest, mis toimus Eesti majas Keenias saab põgusa ülevaate Facebooki lehel.
The training camp in Kenya was unique as always. We had some good training sessions with Mukunga and I had an opportunity to serve some people in Estonian house. More information about Estonian house in Kenya you can find on the Facebook page.
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Coloradost on aastatega saanud minu kolmas kodu. Sõbrad on need, kes kodutunde tekitavad. I have found my third home in Colorado. Friends are those who are making me feel like I am at home. |