In January and February 2014 I had a film group with me in my training camp in Kenya. The purpose of the film group was to make 9 different movie clips. The movie clips introduce the local running culture, stories of Kenyan runners, eating habits, nature, experiences of Estonian runners in Kenya and more.
“I like in Kenya, it’s my second home.”
– Tiidrek
Why are Kenyans the best runners?
I met Jake and Zane Robertson from New Zealand twelve years ago at a running competition in Estonia. Back then they were still young and inexperienced runners. One of them had a toe peeking out of a hole in his sports shoe, the other had a slight injury. It was and still is unheard of that seventeen-year-old boys should move all alone to Kenya in order to do sports. Today they are world class runners of almost unmatched prowess. In the following video clip, the Robertsons list seven reasons why Kenyans are the best runners in the world.
Children of Kenya
The population of Kenya is growing at least 2.5% every year. There are many children! Despite the low living standard children are joyful and active. The next movie clip is about Kenyan children. No language skills needed!
Estonian runners in Kenya
Kenya has become an international training centre for runners. Also the best Estonian long-distance runners have chosen Kenya as their winter training location. The next video clip will show Estonians sharing their views on the training conditions in Kenya.
Kenyan traditional foods
Because of the equatorial climate, agriculture is the most important economic activity in Kenya. The most popular exports are tea, coffee and flowers. Fresh pineapples, mangos, bananas and many other exotic fruits are available for everyone, but these are not the only food they eat. The next video clip is introducing Kenyan traditional foods.
A touching story of a Kenyan runner
My training partner Ibrahim Mukunga Wachira is one of the few Kenyan runners who has succeeded to race in Europe. Mukunga knows much about hunger, homeless life, death and hard work. Despite his success as a runner he has never forgotten his family. He has a big heart! Next movie is a story about him and about his home in Kenya.
Falling Waters private school
Kenya is rated in the 50 worst countries for education. Despite free primary education 1.7 million children are not going to school. Free public schools have a bad reputation. Wealthy parents are ready to pay some extra money for private schools. Next movie is a story about a private school in Nyahururu. The school director is a friend of mine. I have been living there several months during my training camps.
Training centres in Iten
One of the most popular training centre for distance runners is situated in a small Kenyan village called Iten. The majority of Iten inhabitants are runners. World champions, students, Africans and Europeans – all are running together. The next video clip is about training centres in Iten.
The record holder of SEB Tallinn Marathon
Marathon is the most competitive running distance in Kenya. 340 Kenyan athletes qualified for the London Olympic marathon. The Record of SEB Tallinn Marathon 2.12.56 is from 2011. The record holder is Julius Muriuki from Kenya. He is from Nyahururu town where I have been training during last two winters. The next video introduces his life and training conditions.