SEB Tallinna Maratoni rekordiomanik
Maraton on kõige populaarsem jooksudistants Keenias. 340 Keenia jooksjat ületasid Londoni olümpiamängude A-normi. SEB Tallinna Maratoni rekord 2.12.56 on pärit aastast 2011. Rekordiomanik on keenialane Julius Muriuki. Ta on pärit Nyahururu linnast, kus minagi olen treeninud kahel viimasel talvel. Järgmine video tutvustab tema elu- ja treeningtingimusi.
Marathon is the most competitive running distance in Kenya. 340 Kenyan athletes qualified for the London Olympic marathon. The Record of SEB Tallinn Marathon 2.12.56 is from 2011. The record holder is Julius Muriuki from Kenya. He is from Nyahururu town where I have been training during last two winters. The next video introduces his life and training conditions.
The project is sponsored by SPORTLAND and videos are produced by ROSENVALD PHOTOGRAPHY.
This movie is the eighth out of nine which were produced in 2014 in Kenya. The movie clips introduce the local running culture, stories of Kenyan runners, eating habits, nature, experiences of Estonian runners in Kenya and more.
Next movie will be published soon.