My Athletics year of 2019
In terms of Athletics Performances, my 2019 Season was a great one! Hannover 2019 Foto: Norbert-Wilhelmi In april I ran Hannover Marathon a new personal record and an Estonian all [...]
Doha WCH marathon impressions
Doha World Championships in marathon was the highlight of my this year's racing calendar. I prepared for it carefully. 26th place among 73 runners was a great achievement. The time 2.17.38 was [...]
A summary of the Philadelphia half marathon
Last Sunday I finished 8th in the Philadelphia half marathon race with the time of 1.04.23. The elite race was very high level, but the final results were not very strong due [...]
Pre-story of the Philadelphia half marathon
Surprisingly I am in the Philadelphia, on the US east coast. Some business to do. Ten days ago I decided to race on this Sunday in Rock'n'Roll Philadelphia half marathon. This will [...]
Maratoonari unistus / The Dream for a Marathon Runner
Hannoveri maratoni hommikul helistasin treener Markile Coloradosse ja Harryle Eestisse ning jagasin enne pikka jooksuvõistlust viimased infokillud. Mainisin ära, et mind on siin poputatud justkui kuninga kassi. Nimelt võistluskorraldajad andsid mulle [...]
Hannoveri maratoni eellugi / Hannover marathon pre-story
Pühapäeval 07. aprill algusega kell 9.00 jooksen oma elu kaheksanda maratoni Hannoveris. Hannoveri maratoni raames korraldatud erinevatel jooksudistantsidel osaleb ligi 26 000 inimest ning võistluse taseme poolest kuulub IAAFi (Rahvusvaheline Kergejõustikuliit) nimistus [...]